contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.  Your message will go directly to the program coordinator.

88 The Pond Road
Toronto, Ontario

 The Visual Effects for Film and Television Program is designed to introduce students to the tools and techniques used to create visual effects for film and video.  The program is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



Applying/Tuition-Domestic Students

You are a Domestic student if you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.  

Once you have decided to apply you should check:

  • Graduate Program Certificate requirements

Applying to the Visual Effects program involves these steps:

  • Go to the Ontario Colleges website, which handles the applications for all the colleges in the province. Find the Visual Effects for Television and Film program at Seneca College.

  • They’ll ask you to:

  • create an account

  • select your program

  • pay the application fee

The site will keep you updated on your application and provided information on forwarding transcripts, if necessary.

  • If you are applying for September, apply by April 1st for the best chance of getting in.

  • If you are applying for January, apply by October 1st for the best chance of getting in.

  • Seneca will send you a information package, giving you an outline of the portfolio requirements, your student ID number, and the date the portfolio is due.

More information can be found at the Seneca College main website:

Tuition Fees

For students who start the program either Fall 2019 or Winter 2020.

  • Tuition for Year One (2 semesters, 8 months): $10,469.00

Please note: All costs are approximate, may vary by campus and are subject to change at any time without notice. Parking, locker and some mandatory incidental fees are among the charges not included in the figures above.